Find Childcare

Choosing childcare is an important decision. Family & Childcare Resources of N.E.W. maintains a database of all regulated childcare programs in our service area. Parents may access this database to obtain a free customized list of childcare options in their area to make their childcare search easier.

We can provide you with custom, computerized referrals to regulated family childcare centers, family childcare providers, and preschools in Brown, Door, Kewaunee, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, and Shawano Counties. We do not rate or recommend specific childcare providers. It is up to you to evaluate the quality of care being provided by each provider. If you are looking childcare outside our service area, call Supporting Families Together Association,

You can use the online referral system or contact us to work with a referral specialist.

Types of ChildCare

Regulated childcare providers are individuals trained in child growth and development. These providers are childcare professionals and should not be thought of as “babysitters”. Anyone caring for four or more children under the age of seven MUST be licensed by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families.

Family Licensed Childcare – May care for up to eight children in their home. The provider’s own children under age seven years ARE INCLUDED in the total count of eight children. These providers are regulated through the state.

Group Licensed Childcare Centers – Are those serving nine or more children, usually in a center. These providers are regulated through the state.

Certified Childcare – May care for up to three children in addition to relative children, for a total group of six children under seven years of age, in their home. Provider’s own children over seven years of age DO NOT COUNT toward the group total of six. These providers are regulated through the county. There are two levels of certification:

  • Regular Certification – Providers have met all certification standards and have completed 15 hours of approved childcare training. They are reimbursed at a higher level than the provisional certification.
  • Provisional Certification – Providers have met all of the certification standards but have NOT completed 15 hours of approved childcare training. They are reimbursed at a lower rate than the regular certification.

Average Rates For Regulated ChildCare


Choosing childcare is one of the most important decisions families make. Download our Childcare Quality Checklist to assist you in evaluating your childcare options and selecting a program that meets the needs of both your children and your family. 

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