Parents as Teachers (PAT)

About the PAT Model:

PAT is designed to achieve seven primary goals when implemented with fidelity:

  • Increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve positive parenting practices
  • Provide early detection of developmental delays and connection to services
  • Prevent child abuse and neglect
  • Increase children’s school readiness and success
  • Improve parent, child, and family health and well being
  • Improve family economic well-being
  • Strengthen community capacity and connectedness

During visits, our home visiting professionals assess family needs and partner with parents to set family goals. Home visitors provide necessary information and resources to help parents support the emotional, behavioral, and physical development of their children. Each personal visit includes a focus on parent-child interaction, development centered parenting, and family well-being. Other incentives include:

  • Free diapers, wipes, and other baby items
  • Community outings for the family
  • Connecting with other local resources
  • …and much more!

This program is FREE to all families and is available in both English and Spanish.

Connect with a Parent Educator Professionals: Refer a Family

For more information, please email or call us!

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